Since 2014, we are working to empower the young entrepreneurs and helping to grow and scale up the new businesses. Regarding that we have organized […]
Author: A N
Hosted the First Ever Metaverse Conference of Bangladesh
During a symposium on meteverse, the first of its type in the nation, experts expressed their opinion that Bangladeshi youngsters have not yet taken advantage […]
Women Entrepreneurs Will be the New Gatekeepers of Economic Growth, According to Experts
We, Preneur Lab collaborated with the EMK Center and offered the training program “Business Boost Bangladesh: Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Women Entrepreneurs and Business Enthusiasts 2022” […]
Students from Universities in Bangladesh Received Training on SparkAR
Recently, Meta Developers Circle took the initiative to organize a series of workshops in several Bangladeshi universities under the banner of “#Metaversemania SparkAR Creators’ Day” […]
Discussed digital business and E-commerce with Ekhon TV.
Just had such an interview with Ekhon TV to chat regarding our digital and E-commerce businesses.
Hanns Seidel Foundation promotes Young South Asia Network
I’m tremendously honored to have been selected as a fellow for YSAN by the German political organization Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung. It is a privilege to represent Bangladeshi […]
Following my first keynote at the Google Developers Group Summit at Google HQ
While in wake of my initial talk at Google HQ’s Google Developers Group Summit.I snapped a selfie with more than 350 #GDG organizers from around […]