I. Objective:

To establish a systematic approach for planning, executing, reviewing, and closing sprints to deliver product increments efficiently.

II. Scope:

This SOP is applicable to all members of the product team involved in the sprint process.

III. Definitions:

  • Sprint: A set period during which specific tasks or work are completed.
  • Product Backlog: A prioritized list of tasks or features to be worked on.
  • Sprint Backlog: A list of tasks to be completed in a specific sprint.

IV. Procedure:

1. Sprint Planning:

1.1. Objective Setting: Define the goals and objectives for the sprint.

1.2. Backlog Grooming: Prioritize and refine the product backlog.

1.3. Task Assignment: Allocate tasks to team members based on expertise and availability.

2. Sprint Execution:

2.1. Daily Standups: Conduct short daily meetings to discuss progress and obstacles.

2.2. Task Tracking: Utilize project management tools to monitor task status.

2.3. Communication: Foster open communication and collaboration among team members.

3. Sprint Review:

3.1. Product Increment: Present the completed work to stakeholders for feedback.

3.2. Performance Analysis: Review team performance and identify areas for improvement.

4. Sprint Retrospective:

4.1. Reflect: Discuss what went well and what could be improved.

4.2. Plan Improvement: Develop action plans to improve future sprints.

1. Pre-Sprint Preparation

a. Product Backlog Maintenance: The Product Owner (PO) should maintain an updated product backlog, with user stories, features, and bugs prioritized.

b. Sprint Goal Setting: Before the sprint planning meeting, the PO should have a clear sprint goal in mind.

2. Sprint Planning

a. Attendees: Product Owner, Scrum Master, Development Team

b. Duration: Usually 2-4 hours for a two-week sprint.

c. Agenda: – Discuss and understand the sprint goal. – Team selects items from the product backlog they can complete within the sprint. – Break down the items into tasks and estimate effort. – Determine the sprint capacity and commit to the work.

3. Daily Stand-ups

a. Duration: 15 minutes

b. Agenda: – What did you work on yesterday? – What will you work on today? – Are there any blockers or impediments?

4. Sprint Execution

a. Task Boards: Use a board (physical or digital) to visualize task progress (To Do, In Progress, Done).

b. Blocker Management: Scrum Master ensures that any impediments raised in the daily stand-ups are addressed.

c. Collaboration: Team members should collaborate, swarming around tasks if needed, to ensure the sprint goal is met.

5. Mid-Sprint Checks

a. Optionally, teams might want a quick check-in mid-sprint to gauge progress.

b. Re-prioritize or adjust tasks if necessary.

6. Sprint Review/Demo

a. Duration: 1-2 hours

b. Agenda: – Product Owner describes what items have been “Done” and what hasn’t. – Development Team demonstrates the work they have “Done”. – Stakeholders provide feedback.

7. Sprint Retrospective

a. Duration: 1-2 hours

b. Agenda: – What went well during the sprint? – What could be improved? – What will we commit to improve in the next sprint?

8. Sprint Closure

a. Update any project tracking tools or documentation to reflect what was completed.

b. If any stories or tasks were not completed, they should be re-evaluated and moved back to the product backlog or prioritized for the next sprint.

9. Repeat for the Next Sprint

a. The next sprint starts immediately after the previous sprint concludes.

Additional Considerations:

  • Ensure that all relevant stakeholders are engaged and informed throughout the sprint cycle.
  • Keep open channels of communication. Transparency is key.
  • Always be open to adapting and improving the process. Agile is about iterative improvements.
  • Remember that the core of any agile methodology, including sprints, is delivering value. Always keep the end user or customer in mind.