During a symposium on meteverse, the first of its type in the nation, experts expressed their opinion that Bangladeshi youngsters have not yet taken advantage of the prospects in e-sports metaverse centered game development while keeping a standard for mental health.

At the conference called “Game for Goods” on Saturday, speakers also mentioned Bangladesh as the third-largest market in South Asia for e-sports, according to a press release.

The term “metaverse” describes both present-day and foreseeable interconnected digital platforms centered on augmented and virtual reality.

Company using technology for social good The presentation, which was delivered by Daraz, was organized by Prenuer Lab and held at the Hotel Sarina in Dhaka.

The talk on Bangladeshi gaming prospects on the Web 3.0 and Metaverse was led by Preneur Lab CEO Arif Nezami. Rajib Roy, CEO of Royex Technologies, connected from the United Arab Emirates and provided perspectives on the metaverse as a potential future technology.

Founder of the Bangladesh Innovation Forum Ariful Hasan Opu, Director of BASIS Tanvir Hossain Khan, and UNDP Head of Communications Abdul Quayyum participated in a panel discussion on the gaming business in Bangladesh. Tanjim Ferdous, a national consultant for the United Nations, moderated the discussion. According to speakers, local startups should seize the chances presented by the global market. When working with youth, mental health and optimism should also be considered.

In a different panel, professional gamers Sadman Sakib Khan, Mohammad Aliur Rahman Sohan, Ishrat Urmi, the developer of the Facebook Featured SparkAR, and Mahir Faisal, the co-founder of RRDL, also discussed their experiences with game design and development.

The Metaverse will soon become a reality that will have an impact on all aspects of life, according to Prenuer Lab CEO Arif Nezami, while the Web3 will open up new doors for opportunity.

“Over 100 million people in Bangladesh utilize the internet, largely through mobile phones. In order to investigate the online gaming business and earn cash, we can concentrate on that, he stated.

Prior to the program, students from several colleges participated in Online Gaming Week and the Spark AR development challenge.